Bhante Ginnaliye Dhammaloka was born and ordained in Urubokka village in Southern Sri Lanka. After primary education he moved to Colombo for his higher education. For his higher education, Bhante chose a degree programme on Oriental Language Studies (Pracheena Pandit Degree). After completing intermediate level, Bhante was offered a teaching post at a Monks’ Training Centre in Ratnapura. Bhante served as a Pali Language teacher for two years before he moved to Malaysia to learn English and started Dhammaduta works. In 2012, Bhante was invited by the Ohio Buddhist Vihara, United States, to work as a resident monk. While Bhante was in Ohio he was involved in conducting meditation, Sunday School and other religious activities. After serving six years in the U.S., Bhante is now back in Sri Lanka and is in the process of building his own centre called Aloko Buddhist Center.